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References – Heat pumps

Hotel Relax in Dolní Vltavice

Hotel Relax in Dolní Vltavice at Lipno is heated by 20 IVT heat pumps.

Hotel Relax in the beautiful surroundings of the Šumava National Park is heated by 20 economical heat pumps IVT and does not burde...
Hotel Relax in Dolní Vltavice
Family house Dolní Poustevna

Realized in 2015 for the client Family house Dolní Poustevna – IVT Air X heat pumps air/water.

The owners of the family house in Dolní Poustevna were looking for an ideal solution to save heating costs on the large object. D...
Family house Dolní Poustevna
Family house Praha

Realized in 2016 for the client Family house Praha – Complete heating and cooling system.

In 2016, VESKOM handed over the complete heating and cooling system of the family house to a private investor in Prague.
Family house Praha

Realized in 2015 for the client DEKTRADE Malešice – Heating and cooling system with earth-water heat pumps.

Heating or cooling in large buildings brings with it a clear demand from investors: to save maximum at operating costs. In the cas...

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